Boulder Montana Community Library

Kids Corner 

Kids’ Program 

May 7th:  Lego Club- Let’s do a building challenge! Draw cards as blueprints for your inspiration.

May 14th: Tinkerlab “Animal Party” – Animal themed activities and games!


Storytime – Every Tuesday at 11:00 AM

Enjoy stories, songs, crafts, and snacks with the Littles in your life! Your child’s involvement in Storytime promotes early literacy and lifelong love for book, learning, and libraries!

Coloring Pages/ Activity’s 

May 7th: “Mother’s Day” – Moms are special, and you can learn about some pretty special moms in “Diggers Love Their Mommies!” and “How to Catch a Mamasaurus.”

May 14th : Lost Items- Have you ever lost an item only to realize you have had it all along? Or someone of something used it and it wasn’t the same anymore and maybe it was better. Let’s help Duke find his blue sock in “Have you Seen my New Blue socks?” and Nicki keep his new white mittens together in “The Mittens.

May 21st:  Cookies! Cookies! Cookies! – Everyone loves Cookies so what happens when you give a mouse a cookie? Well, let’s find out in our beloved book “If You Give a Mouse A Cookie!” and we all want to be a smart even cookies so let’s get on board and read about a smart cookie in the book named after it “Smart Cookie.”

May 28th:  The Wonders of the Gardens- Gardening is just around the corner and green thumbs are itching. So, whether it is urban gardening, flower gardening, or vegetable gardening there is a wonderful world to explore under and above soil. “The Curious Garden” and “Secrets of the Vegetable Garden” will help us explore our own garden in our own garden in our backyards.



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